A Duo - 一人一花【Yi Ren Yi Hua / One Person One Flower】 Lyric

A Ci Ka Pu Nie Suo lang
Love a flower is to love its fragrance

A Ci ka Pu Nie Geng Gang
Love a flower is to love its stubbornness

A Ci ka Pu Nie A Mu
Love a flower is to love its gesture

Guo La Yao Lu lang tang tang
It shines in the dark 

A Ci Luo Lao Nie Luo Bo
Love a person is to love that person’s hometown 

A Ci Luo Lao Nie Zuo Zang
Love a person is to love that person’s eyes

A Ci Luo Lao Nie Sang Zuo
Love a person is to love that person’s flaws

Guo Nie Die Bo Nie Lang Chang
They're in my distant memory

(ài) (shàng)  ()  朵(duǒ)  (huā)  (jiù)   (péi)  ()  ()  (zhàn)  (fàng

Once you've loved a flower you stay by its side 
till it no longer can bloom

(ài) (shàng)( yī) 个人(gèrén)  (jiù)  (bàn)(zhe) () (chéng)  (cháng

Once you've loved someone you grow with her

(měi)  个 人(gèrén)   (dōu)    (shì)    (huì)    (zhàn)   (fàng)    (diāo)    (líng)   (de)   (huā

Everyone is like a flower, it blooms and then withers 

(qǐng)  (liú)  (xià)  (zuì)   (měi)  霎那(shànà

Please stay next and grab onto when it’s still beautiful

(ài) (shàng)  () ()(rén)   (jiù)   (péi)  ()  ()  (liú)  (làng

Once you've loved someone go wondering with her anywhere

(ài) (shàng) () 朵(duǒ)  (huā)  (jiù)  (bàn)(zhe)  ()  (chéng)  (cháng

Once you've loved someone you accompany her to grow

Ka Pu Bo Luo Peng Peng Lie Bie Pan
Everyone is like a flower

Ni En A Nie La Zu A Man
It falls from the sky to the ground

(ài) (shàng) 一() (duǒ) (huā) (de) (fēn)  (fāng

Love a flower is to love its fragrance

(ài) (shàng)( yī)  (duǒ)  (huā)  (de)  (juè)   (qiáng

Love a flower is to love its stubbornness

(ài) (shàng) 一() (duǒ)  (huā)  (de)  姿() (tài

Love a flower is to love its gesture

()  (zài)  (hēi)  ()  (zhōng)  ()  (liàng

It shines in the dark 

(ài) (shàng) 一()  个人(gèrén)  (de) () (guāng

Love a person is to love that person’s eyes

(ài) (shàng )() 个人(gèrén) (de) (jiā) (xiāng

Love a person is to love that person’s hometown

(ài) (shàng )() 个人(gèrén)  (de)  (shāng) (

Love a person is to love that person’s flaws

() (zài) () () (de)  (yuǎn)  (fāng

They're in my distant memory 

ài shàng   rén  jiù  péi       liú  làng

Once you've loved someone go wondering with her anywhere

ài shàng  朵 duǒ  huā  jiù   bànzhe   chéng  cháng

Once you've loved someone you accompany her to grow

Luo Lao Hei Lie Geng Ni Ka Pu La Pu Li ka
Everyone is like a flower

Du Lie Mao Ga Bie Pan
It falls from the sky to the ground

ài shàng    朵duǒ  huā   jiù   péi       zhàn  fàng

Once you've loved a flower you stay by its side 
till it no longer can bloom

ài shàng yī 个人gèrén jiù  bànzhe   chéng  cháng

Once you've loved someone you grow with her

Ka Pu La Xi Zui Re Zhu Re Du Die
Please remember that each flower

Bo Lie Mai Tu Dang dang
It’s beautiful to grab onto it

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